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Image by Vincent van Zalinge

Now Ask The Beasts

May 24-25 2024

Youth Track!

(Ages 4-12)

Registration is underway for the 2024 Gateway Creation Conference, happening May 24-25 at South County Bible Church. The conference is themed around creation biology and the design and complexity of God's creatures. You'll hear from creation biologists and naturalists and learn about the amazing intricacies of living things.


This year we are excited to offer a special program for younger attendees!  Together with Peter Schriemer (TV Host and Naturalist), speakers from MAC (Missouri Association for Creation) will be providing a special Youth track for attendees ages 4-12. Parents must be registered attendees and be present for the entirety of the conference with their children.  The Youth Track will be held concurrent with the main sessions on Saturday only (not Friday evening). 


Bring your young explorers to learn more about God's creation through the amazing animals He has made, and learn how God has made each of us unique and distinct from the animas: in the Image of God!



“But now ask the beasts, and let them instruct you;
And the birds of the sky, and let them tell you…
And let the fish of the sea recount it to you.
Who among all these does not know
That the hand of Yahweh has done this?”
Job 12:7-9

Conference Venue:

South County Bible Church
4111 Von Talge Road St Louis, MO 63128

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